The Farm

Farm Theater College Collaboration Projects

2014/2015 – In the Event of My Death by Lindsay Joy

2016/2017 – #Love95Times by Micheline Auger

2018/2019 – John Proctor is the Villain by Kimberly Belflower

2020/2021 – Greek Tragedy by Lia Romeo

2022/2023 – Soft Launch by Dipti Bramhandkar

2024/2025 – Coming soon!

In 2014, Centre College began a partnership with The Farm Theater. Based in New York, The Farm recruits an early career playwright and commissions them to write a play. The Farm also recruits three college partners who will become the development laboratory for this new play. In January, the playwright interviews students from each of the schools and begins to write. In August, representatives from each school – students and faculty – gather in New York alongside professional actors for the first table read of the script. Three days of discussion lead into more rewrites for the playwright until they are ready to hand their script to the first producing institution. Rehearsals begin, and rewrites continue throughout the process, as the playwright remains in constant contact with the institution, including a weekend in residence when they get a chance to work directly with the students. The playwright returns for the performance, where they participate in talkbacks with the audience. Once the production is closed, they continue revising, and repeat the whole process at the other two member schools. In June, students from each of the productions are chosen to come to New York to perform in the first public reading of the finished script.

Every other year, we have committed to being a part of this process, giving our students hands-on experience with the new play development process, and opportunities to travel to and even perform in New York City.